Wedding we participated in
Happy wedding guests
Bananna leaves indicate a wedding venue
Indians love love and Indians love weddings. 80% of Indian Marriages are arranged. 20% are 'love marriages'.Arranged marriages have a 95% success rate. Love marriages last about 50% of the time, just like in the West.
Weddings are planned based in the horoscope. February is an auspicious month for weddings. When we visited the temple Sri Meenakshe we saw five weddings, took pictures and congratulated the brides and grooms. They were so happy to have us there and some actually teared up as we gave the Best Wishes. 
We stopped at a small village with many wedding halls. We went inside one and became part of the event! we were brought on stage with the wedding couple and videotaped. I stood next to a strapping young man. I think he was the bride's brother, who took a shine to me. We were all invited to stay for the wedding breakfast. the young kept bobbing his head, plucking my sleeve and making the motions for eating. The mother of the bride came over and implored us to stay. We really couldn't so we dropped some rupee notes on the gift table, hopped on out bus and drove off.
Weddings in India are a sight to see, the brides are beautiful and the whole family is involved. The bride and groom may only have met a couple of times before the wedding. Mothers of the brides are fussing. these may be the most momentous occaisions of people's lives!

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    My real name is Betty but many of my on line friends know me as Globetrotter

    I am a happily retired '60 something' living in Oregon traveling the world as much as I can.
    I always wanted to see and experience most of the places I read about or even heard about so since I retired in 2000 I've set about doing as much travel as possible.Next week  I am getting ready to set off on my 15th international trip since I retired. This one is to Southern India. I went to Northern India six years ago and loved it. It was my favorite trip until I went to Africa in 2011. I am excited to go to the South and hope it too is a feast for the senses as my first trip to India was.
    At first I had an email group to keep friends abreast of my adventures, then I relied on Facebook but not all of my real friends do Facebook  I decided to try this blog as a way to talk about my travels, which I love doing and post some pictures as I go along.


    February 2013
    January 2013

